Thursday, December 21, 2017

To Judge the Decisions by results!!!!!!!!


 Many of us take a lot of decisions in our animation of fraternity, provinces, parish, schools etc...Have you ever seen the results of your decisions....many of us take the decisions and then forget about it...or have not time to see the results....most of the times the results are positive or negative...if affects the life of those for whom we take the decisions....they could affect them tremendously....could change the whole course of their lives.....many of judge the decisions by the results that occur.... 

We as leaders our members judge our performance and quality of our animation as per the results of the decisions we have taken. They tend to focus more on the positive and negative outcome of the decisions which are taken for the entire province or community or parish. The decisions are well received by the members and in the course of implementation of these decisions the collaboration all is important and required. 

sometimes the intentions of the authority and leader are very good and meant for the good of the community and individual but the results sometimes are negative and the blame goes to them. This can cause a lot of harm for the leaders and authority as it can dampen the spirit and the intentions of doing good. The favorable time or no proper execution can bring negative results and outcome. But by this we can judge the credibility of the leader, we need to give time to them in order to explain the intentions. Sometimes the process in which the intention was executed might have been wrong and the environment was not ready for it. It is good not to blame the leaders and the others who collaborate with them for the negative outcome and results because always there could be a good intention. 

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