Tuesday, July 5, 2016

3rd Day - Half Day of reflection and Prayer

This morning we just prayed morning prayer. There will be a talk and then we go into silence reflecting on the same till midday. After which we have the Eucharist celebrated by the General minister....it is good to pause and reflect on what we have so far said and discussed. 
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” This is the message of Jesus; this is the message the Twelve and his disciples were commissioned to preach.  
 Br. Umberto is guiding our Liturgy everyday. He is musician and has a very good voice....helps us to pray better....always goes about with a Capuchin smile.....that makes the Liturgy more vibrant.....he sings with that smile of the Lord......Thank you brother.....even in the Curia he is the friars who plays the piano and leads the friars into prayers....
 The friars in the refectory......evening dinner.....

 The recreations are held outside in the garden....it is cool out here.....the view of the city makes you to sit for long period.....you can have wonderful conversation with your companion or a provincial who comes to speak to you about his problems in the province....the atmosphere helps you a lot...

We, like the apostles, are tasked to speak God’s words and to bring healing to those who need it. But then you may ask,  “Why would God choose me?” You may think yourself unworthy of such an ‘honor’ and feel you have nothing to offer. But are you really that different from any of the Twelve?  Think about it: His twelve apostles consisted of fishermen, tax collectors and even one who ultimately betrayed the Lord Himself. How “worthy” were they?

Jesus chose them not because they seemed qualified or extraordinary: there is a mystery in God’s choices.  He chooses based on what he knows. He knows what we are capable of doing under his guidance.  

We just have to take that leap and let him. We can, like the disciples/apostles, perhaps very unlikely, cast out demons, cleanse lepers, or cure diseases. However, the work of  “healing” does not only come in the form of medical miracles;  it assumes many forms – like effecting a change of heart, counseling, spreading God’s word and love to others by the way we live, in whatever station in life we may be – a teacher, a doctor, a carpenter, a caregiver, a friend.  Serving is not a grand gesture; it is doing little things every day for the greater glory of God.

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