Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Morning Eucharist by General Minister

The chapter of Mats for CCMSI began with the Holy Mass. It was presided over by Brr. General Minister. He in his homily said that this chapter of Mats must give us new wine in new wineskins. He emphasised that we have to have new ways of thinking and being capuchin Franciscans. To do this we need to believe that all this is possible when we have the Father who is in heaven. He as a Father gather us together to celebrate our brotherhood. God as Father loves us capuchins and we have to be faithful to the commitment that we have made, It is our fidelity to our charism that will make us to give new wine to our brothers.
The Liturgy was in Latine rite. The choir led by the participants helped to us participate and pray well this morning. The Liturgy booklets are already prepared so the participants have them to help them to participate well. The Mass was followed by breakfast. It is Keralaite breakfast. It is heavy and solid, with bananas and eggs, with handmade breads and other rice items.

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