Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Peace is a gift of God and a responsibility that he assigns to all!!!!!!


The new year is about to usher in….it will begin with pomp and show….Let us wish that this new year 2016 really is a year of Peace and happiness. Let us pray for each other that the New Year remains always new and peaceful till the end. The Peace is in fact, first of all, a gift of God. We need to welcome it in our hearts and minds, believing that the Love of God warms us up, fills us all with confidence, in spite of all the evil around.  We all want a true peace, profound peace which allows each one to experience God and one another.

The extraordinary Jubilee year, which we have initiated this month, gives us the key to experience a true and profound Peace.  This jubilee deals with accepting and knowing the Mercy of God. We must take into account that God loves us and he wants to forgive and shower His mercy upon us as His children. With this act He wants to confirm that He has confidence in his Creatures.  St. Paul says that no body can separate us from the Love of God. Not even the terrorists or those enemies of Faith and God. We know that at the end of the day it is God’s Love and Mercy that gives us the Peace. All the negativities just don’t shut the door of the Mercy and Love of God. In all difficult moments and events let us remember that God is with us with His Love and Mercy to make us happy and peaceful. To have God as the source of our happiness we need to confide and have faith in Him… go dialogue and commune with Him….to confess often to Him so that we might receive his forgiveness and mercy.

Peace is a gift of God and also a responsibility that he places on our shoulder.  We have to win over the indifference that is so much around us. This indifference is making us a little human and not really allowing us to participate in the mercy of God. We should not lose hope in each other,  let us not abandon God because the path of life is hard and difficult one. Let us move from indifference to Mercy, from cold hearts to warm hearts filled with Love.


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