Thursday, November 26, 2015

Show Compassion!!!!!!

Today the European Union and America is grappling with the problems of Refugees and the number is increasing day by day. The question that is asked is how many would be welcomed and accepted after all the security check? How many are waiting to enter into the safer places to live a dignified human life. Given the season which is winter, many on the boarder are living without any proper accommodation and food. Those who have been granted entry are thanking their Lord for the compassion and mercy bestowed upon them by the governments, But the question again how are lucky? Can these governments really look after this huge and massive question immigration? Can these countries where there is economic crisis and their own citizens are finding to meet two ends, afford to look after well? The whole society has to come is a humanitarian cannot be solved by discussions and debates, theories is to be settled immediately with acts of compassion. The people, of no fault of their own have to face these situations, they are not responsible for it. Can the governments of the world come together and settle this issue once and for all. I know that there are no ready made solutions but we have to find an adequate answers for this present crisis. 
On the grounds of Compassion many nations have accepted these refugees. Many rich countries have not allowed these refugees to enter into their territory. What if we had to face same situation? what would have been our response and reaction to those who say no to immigration? We need to pause a while and think. Compassion is possible. It can be exercised. what we need is the will power. A little bit of going out of ourselves. It is needed to break the comfort zones. We have to hear the cry of these innocent people. We just cannot allow them to die in the cold and out of hunger when we are well protected in our warm homes. The children who are the most vulnerable, exposed to all kinds of diseases. No future looks bright for them. May have discontinued their studies and are very blank about future. Let us show compassion. `It is only key that open God's love and grace to these unfortunate brothers and sisters of ours. 

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