Monday, March 9, 2015

2nd Talk b Br. Jude

 Second Talk
John Chapter 2
·      Third day we think of the resurrection
·      Jesus with his disciples at the wedding in Cana
·      Disciples and followers …..
·      Mother of Jesus not saying woman. When John uses name of the person it is symbolic
·      We nned to be disciples loved by Jesus
·      Jesus comes to a small village, mother comes to say that they have no wine….woman my time has not come…..the hour of glory in John is not the resurrection but the Cross….
·      Cross in John is the love that God has for us and for one another
·      To be divinized means to love life Jesus
·      To spend ones proper life for the sake of the others
·      I can serve the others,….God has given possibility to serve the others, to share our Love with the others
·      I am one that will be for you – God
·      John already speaks about the Cross right in the beginning, he knows what is going to come in his life
·      Mother who loves her son
·      We need to love friars to be called to Cross
·      The passion to be brought to the Cross, need courage to be called to Cross
·      Mother Mary calls Jesus to Cross because she loves Him
·      Joyous to be called to Cross
·      We need one Cross in our life
·      To arrive at the heavenly banquet through the Cross
·      First sign that Jesus performed
·      Sign of Love and not of glory
·      Call the formees to the Cross is the task of the formators
·      We need to be in capacity to say yes to the Cross
·      To receive the gift and to share the cross with the friars…
·      The love given by God gives us the possibility to share with our brothers
·      Why Cross but why so much of the possibility to bring to the Cross

 General Minister clarifying a point with the Preacher

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