Thursday, June 12, 2014

Model for Preachers and Teachers - St. Anthony of Padova

I always had great admiration for st. Anthony ever since i read his life and some of his sermons. He inspired me in many things especially spiritual life and above all what one needs to have to preach the word of God. What i admired most in his life is that he was open to God's animation in his life. He was ready to do something new and vibrant things. He allowed the Lord to use his entire human life for the Glory of the Lord. He through his preaching and teaching communicated that once we allow the Lord to be the Master of our lives things become different and useful. St. Anthony submitted totally to the Lord so that he could make use of Anthony for the Church and the world at large. Through his life he attracted many souls who were drawn to God and spiritual Life. 
Anthony was, is and shall ever remain model for Preachers and teachers. He taught not his wisdom and knowledge but what he received from the Lord. He used all his human gifts for the service of the Lord but the Lord who filled him with knowledge and wisdom to evangelize the society. St. anthony was a man of the Gospel, he lived and preached. He was with the people in their joys, sufferings, pain and hunger, he lived the Eucharist with the People. Not just a miracle worker but one who witnessed to God's Love, mercy and compassion.
Happy Feast to all those Provinces which have St. Anthony as the Patron! God bless you all!

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