Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Morning session n Group discussion

The talk given by Alexandro on the theme of Economic solidarity and the solidarity among the brothers of the province. He highlighted the point of using the strengths of the province to be self sufficient. He also pin pointed the weakness of the province which the province needs to mend and repair. He did present the picture of the province well because he had conducted the economic visitation of the province. 
Alex is explaining the strengths and what needs to be done in the areas of economic solidarity
The Group discussion is on. The entire assembly divided into 6 groups. They were given six questions covering the entire discussion of yesterday and today.
The brothers are really participating in giving their valuable suggestions
Many brothers who did not speak in the assembly were voicing out their concerns and making good suggestions

Br. Cherian senior most friar is animating the gout

Oh How wonderful it is to be united and live as brothers
In the afternoon session will have a plenary session where the reports from groups will be read out and concrete proposals will be made for the forthcoming chapter in March.

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