Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sent out to Animate the Friars

After 6 days of animation the new provincials are sent out to animate their respective jurisdictions. The animation by the General Definitory and others was well appreciated and accepted by all the new Provincials. They all left for their respective countries except few of them who are still in College meeting and visiting their friars in the college. Their feed back has encouraged the General definitory to plan out much better for the next year. Their appreciation has boosted the moral of each one of us. I am sure that these kinds of animation programs are instruments in keeping our Capuchin charism alive. The Provincials with so much of experience in a week will go to animate the brothers well in a fraternal manner. Pray for all of them so that they may be good animators of the provinces. May Sts. Peter and Paul intercede for all of them.

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